Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
Fall in Rhode Island.

Many times we live in the past
Days of yesteryear we recall.
Or we plan for days ahead,
Not living for today at all.

We forget today is all we have,
Right now, just this minute.
Even though we have today,
We're not really living in it.

We should not reminisce the day away,
Or plan for tomorrow so much...
That we lose sight of today,
The sights, the sounds, the touch.

We have given back yesterday,
It's gone back to God's own land.
He has yet to yield tomorrow,
He still holds it in His hand.

To enjoy what we have today,
I'd say this is the way...
Don't look back, or look ahead,
Just keep your eyes upon today!

Freda Fullerton
October 5, 2011

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