Saturday, September 10, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is a picture of our daughter, Janet and her son, Jeremy.
Jeremy is about to befriend those two ducks at a park in Rhode
Island. Jeremy is now 24 and in medical school. He loved animals
so much, I thought he would be a vet when he grew up!

If someone should stumble
And fall by the way,
Who if not I,
Should befriend them today?

If someone should fail
And sink into sin,
Who if not I,
Should entreat him to try once again?

If someone's discouraged,
And seems to lack faith,
Who if not I,
Should bid him seek God's dear face?

If I had his burden
And sorrow to bear,
Would I have plunged further,
In depths of despair?

I'll judge not another,
Till I've shouldered his load,
For I may find that the pathway,
Leads down the same road!

Freda Fullerton
September 10, 2011

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