Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
The poem is about two mocking birds and this picture
is two humming birds. Humming birds are brave little
fighters too.
One summer a humming bird built her nest in our elm
tree, right over our front walkway. We sat on the front
porch and watched her, much to her distress. She would
buzz us to let us know she wasn't pleased with our presence.
One day she kept buzzing the screen door and I said, "I think
she is trying to tell us something." I went outside and sure
enough there was a cat in the yard! I chased the cat away
and she got back on her nest.

I watched two mocking birds
Chase away a crow.
As I watched the scene,
I smiled at the funny, show.

But as I thought of it...
The victory is not always to the strong,
But to the one who has faith,
Who is persistent all along.

We all face our Goliath's,
As David, so long ago
And we must have confidence
As through this world we go.

We must know that each obstacle,
Whether large or small,
Is just a stepping stone,
So that we won't fall.

Hardships strengthens determination
And insures that we won't fail.
In the battles of this life,
With God, we shall prevail!

Freda Fullerton
September 13, 2011

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