Friday, September 16, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
A sailboat, in the bay of Honolulu, Hawaii.

We may sail the widest ocean,
Climb a mountain tall,
Conquer all the armies,
Both great and small.

We may have such wisdom,
To invent wondrous machines.
We may even live...
To fulfill all our dreams.

We may cure a dread disease,
That has plagued all mankind,
Compose beautiful music,
Restore sight to the blind.

But if in the eyes of God,
We're to be truly great,
We must love our fellowman,
Conquer all our hate.

We must give that extra coat away,
Walk that extra mile,
Do the little menial tasks,
That may not seem worthwhile.

We must be willing to do the things,
That are hidden from this world's view.
We may even have to suffer some,
If God should ask us to.

If the things we do or say,
Are done for name or fame,
Than the things done in life
Have all been done in vain!

Freda Fullerton
September 16, 2011

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