Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is Glacier National Park, in Montana.
I admire people who do mountain climbing.
ME... I love to look at the mountains, but have
no desire to scale one, not my idea of fun!

In all I say and do
Father, lead me today.
Help me to know Your will
In this, I pray.

Give me a vision...
Of the things You ask,
Give me the talent
To do each task.

Give me the courage
To step out of my comfort zone,
Help me to remember
In this, I'm not alone.

I pray this day
For the faith ... You see,
To climb every mountain
You place before me.

I pray for patience...
To weather the storms that come my way.
I pray, Dear Father...
"Lead me today!"

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