Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
This is NW, Arkansas countryside. It is a view from
the land we once owned. We had 15 acres and when
it came to us that we were never going to move back
there and develop it, we sold it.

On the third day: God called the dry ground "land,"
and the gathered waters he called "seas." And God
saw that it was good. Genesis 1:10

On the third day...
God created the land.
And in a generous gesture,
He gave the land to man.

Wars have been fought,
For its boundaries...
From coast to coast
And from sea to shining sea.

In blood fought battles
Man has conquered man,
All because of a bit of space,
That we all call land.

Farmers feel close to God,
As they till their land.
Nomads love their space
In the desert of the sand.

Sailors, longing for the land,
Shout at the landfall sight,
After many months at sea
And many a stormy night.

Soldiers bravely fight
To keep their land free,
From the rule of a tyrant
And from the enemy.

Let us all be thankful,
For this creation grand,
Take care and appreciate
This space, we call land!

Freda Fullerton
September 20, 2011

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