Thursday, September 29, 2011

Freda's Garden:

Welcome to my Garden:
The majestic mountains in around Mammoth, California.
We see God's power in all his creation!
Taken from Jeremiah 10:11-13

God made the earth by His power.
His wisdom founded the world.
He made the heavens by His understanding.
When He thunders the waters of heaven unfurl.

He sends the lightning and rain
And the heavens roar.
He brings wind from His storehouse.
He masters the ocean from shore to shore.

He dug the rivers and the canyons.
The valleys were planted by His hand.
He raised up every mountain.
He has counted each grain of sand.

You would think a God this powerful,
Would not care for you and me,
But He has said, "each hair is numbered,
And each tear that falls I see."

Freda Fullerton
September 29, 2011

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